The last day of the trip. This day has been creeping steadily closer. I haven’t wanted it to come, but it must.
I woke up early hoping to avoid the pounding rain and thunderstorms from last night as I escaped Omaha and rode north. I was warned that I could run into traffic unless I left after 9am. Traffic? In Omaha?! Hah! I left around 8am, and there were a few cars on the road, but nothing I would call traffic especially after the mess I had been in while in California. I did find some traffic later in the day however.
I took I-80 and then I-35. The storms from last night were hanging around to the north, and I didn’t want to get caught in that 60mph+ wind! No visit to Sioux Falls on this adventure it seems.

Moments after I finished loading the bike, the rain started again. I slowly pulled out the
rain gear and put it on while trying not to be annoyed. Ten minutes out of town it seemed to clear up. It wasn’t raining anymore, but the roads were still wet. Not a good sign.
Further up the road my stomach gave me the signal that the muffin I partially munched on needed to be ejected and fast. I had bought the muffin a day earlier in Lincoln, but I’m guessing the day in Omaha in the hot sun made it go south. The first bite tasted a little funny, and it wasn’t until bite four that I threw it away.
Note to self, don’t store perishable muffins in black top case in a 95+ day.
A rest stop appeared at the critical moment and I made my way inside to take care of business. I have some sympathy now for the women riders out there. Taking off a one-piece rain suit and the rest of my moto-gear took entirely too long, but everything worked out.

It was quite the spectacle. A storm followed me into the rest area and unleashed while I was inside. The thunder shook the building and the lightning made the lights flicker. The rain sounded like machine gun bullets pounding on the roof. It was loud. Quite a crowd had gathered inside as well. It was standing room only in the hallway.
By the time I got my gear back on and made it outside the storm had slowed considerably. A strong one like that can’t last for long. I finished putting my gear back on and hopped on the bike. I was glad that no one at the rest stop tried to make a stupid comment like “nice day to be on the bike” or some other stupid, but entirely way to common comment when a motorcyclist is in less than perfect conditions.
Who is the space man on the right?

Oh that’s me in the totally stylin rain gear

The rest of the ride north on I-35 was quiet. The temps rose and the sky cleared up. The traffic also got thicker and more silly the further north I went.
It was nice to see MN license plates again. I hadn’t seen one the entire trip on a car until yesterday. I enjoyed seeing the “Minnesota Welcomes You” sign. I always do.

We need more HOV lanes in MN! The traffic was nasty.

I arrived back in town to experience the start of Friday afternoon rush hour, but it also meant I was home in time for dinner as requested by my wife.

It was good trip. I’m glad I went, and I would do it again in a second. My
SV650 needs a bit of attention before I can take it anywhere though. The rear tire is showing cords again, the rear sprocket is VERY thin and hooked, changing the oil would be good, and the chain sounds like rice krispies. Fortunately, I have all of those things ready and waiting. I just need some time.
The SV reunited with the rest of the gang. They look a tad jealous, and the cobwebs on the
Ural are a bit sad.